Customers seek information from us on a variety of important topics. In order to respond quickly and accurately, we have easy-to-read fact sheets that cover the most frequently asked questions.
Los clientes nos solicitan información sobre una variedad de temas importantes. Para responder de manera rápida y precisa, tenemos hojas de datos fáciles de leer que cubren las preguntas más frecuentes.
- 1. Chemicals in Water
- 1. Productos Químicos en el Agua
- 2. Why is my water discolored?
- 3. Flush outside
- 3. Sabia uste Descargue agua descolorida afuera
- 4. Household Filters & Water Softeners
- 4. Filtros usados por BJWSA y ablandadores de agua
- 5. How BJWSA rates are determined and the factors that affect them
- 5. Como se determinan las tarifas
- 5. Que afecta las tarfias de BJWSA
- 6. What are BJWSA’s Payment Policies?
- 6. Politicas de pago
- 7. Are there pharmaceuticals in drinking water?
- 7. Farmacéuticos en el suministro de agu
- 8. Taste and Odor
- 8. Sabor y olor
- 9. Fish & Aquariums
- 9. Peces y pecera
- 10. Irritation or Illness
- 10. Irritación o enfermedad
- 11. Pink Slime/Black Slime
- 11. Mucosidad/Mucosidad Rosada
- 12. Why is my household water filter brown
- 12. Por que el filtro de agua adquiere color cafe
- 13. Your Faucets and Showerheads May be Wasting Water
- 13. Sus grifos o duchas podrían estar desperdiciando agua
- 14. Your Toilet May be Wasting Water
- 14. Su inodoro podría estar gastando agua
- 15. Do you really need a household water filter?
- 16. Is there lead in drinking water?
- 17. Is there tritium in our drinking water?
- 18. What is that pink stuff on my bathroom fixtures?
- 19. Is my toilet water-efficient?
- 20. Are my faucets and showerheads wasting water?
- 21. What is the mold found on my plumbing fixtures
- 22. Cross connection and backflow control
- 23. Is there fluoride in my water?
- 24. Water Temperature
- 25. BJWSA’s Hurricane Checklist
- 26. Is your pump station sounding an alarm?
- 27. Is my water safe to breathe?
- 28. What to flush
- 29. Emerging contaminants
- 30. Boil water instructions
- 31. PFAS